Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break 2012 - Barcelona Night 1

It's all so surreal. That's the best way I can describe how I'm feeling as the first day of my 2 week trek of the globe comes to a close. I'm this kid who spent most of his life in Lansdale, Pennsylvania now sitting on the balcony of an apartment overlooking Barcelona, Spain, one of the most beautiful cities on the planet. Once again, surreal.

The day was a whirlwind. Attempting to squeak by security at the airport with our overweight hiking backpacks, looking like a quartet of demented turtles. Not wanting to incur the 50 euro fine for an overweight carry-on, I went up to the check in desk wearing a t-shirt, sweater, sweatshirt, jacket, raincoat, and a pair of sneakers hidden in one of the jacket pockets. Backpack weight? 9 kilos. 1 kilo to spare. Huzzah! And then I got to celebrate my victory by sweating through my multiple layers as I made my way to our gate. Nothing like overheating before entering a crowded RyanAir budget flight. Double huzzah!

We landed in Barcelona and were immediately greeted with 60 degree sunshine. A tropical paradise compared to the frigid Paris we had been dealing with. With our misshapen turtle shells strapped to our backs, we took to the metro. Aware that our backpacks made us targets for pickpockets, we kept our hands around our phones and wallets and our English hushed as we journeyed to La Carrer de la Sagrera. There, we met with the owner of the apartment we were renting. An awesome 1 bedroom with a balcony overlooking the city. 29 euro a night per person. We felt like criminals getting away with such a steal. 

After getting settled, we took to the streets.

We ended up wandering down Las Ramblas, a wide avenue lined with many shops and vendors.

Through a tiny walkway we ventured, escaping the main thouroughfare of tourists, street performers, vendors, and pickpockets. This little alleyway of a street led us to a food market hidden amongst the busiest area of Barcelona. La Joseph.

Endless expanse of carts, huts, and stands, selling all kinds of food. From vibrantly colored fruits... orgasmic paella (their words, not mine)... some interesting shaped pastries.

With the broad array of choices, I narrowed it down to some a Corn & Parmesan Empanada and a cup of red sangria. Here's to Spain.

The beach was our next stop. Being that I am a chronic beach bum, this was an alright plan by my book. We walked along the Marina of the Barcelonaeta area of the city, eventually making it to the beach. My inner 6-year-old adventurer immediately flared up as I climbed across the rocks jutting out from the coast into the Meditteranean, whose waters lapped lazily against the rocks and reflected the sunlight with its bright blue water. Despite being just 60 degrees, it took all my willpower not to jump in. Overlooking the water, however, made me happy enough. Something about gazing out at the horizon, not knowing what exactly's beyond it. Humbling feeling you can only get from the ocean.

A two hour nap back at our apartment got me set for a night out in the city, in which many a reunion were made. Barcelona got a little taste of Cab Once when we met up with the one and only Ruthie Bryant... well as some quality Pi Kapp time with Dustin Schaefer, who might I add is holding a bright yellow, banana looking drink out of the frame of this picture. Props to you bud.

Some of the great groups I'm priveleged to be a part of took over Barcelona and I couldn't have asked for better company. No complaints here. In fact, no complaints at all. As I look over Barcelona now, I have this feeling that the world is at my fingertips. The next two weeks will take me to more places than I've been in my entire life. I couldn't feel luckier. Or more tired. So with this final sip of Cabernet, it's time to bid Barcelona a good night.







On to the next stop...

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