Tuesday, January 24, 2012

They call it the City of Lights...guess they forgot about actual SUNLIGHT.

I’ve forgotten what the sun looks like.

Is the sky still blue?

For the last 10 days, a seemingly omnipresent cloud has hovered over Paris, sucking some color out of the city and making everything emanate a gray tinge. Rain has fallen multiple times. Wind has sometimes made walking unbearable. Now wait, I’m confused. I thought Europe was supposed to be this magical place? Where the sun always shines, the cities are bright and colorful, and the wine is cheaper than a pack of tic tacs. Well that last one’s true. Not even lying, I bought a pretty decently tasting Merlot the other day for 2.48 euro and as I was checking out, I noticed some tic tacs on sale for 2.85. I relished in my little victory.

But I digress. It’s raining. It’s cloudy. Right, I’m back on track.

I guess I just expected every day to be a beautiful one. Americans kind of have this expectation of Europe. But guess what? This place isn’t a fantasy. It’s reality. It rains. And don’t get me wrong, this is no unpleasant discovery. I kind of like how this glorious city is slowly but surely becoming more human as my time here goes by. That makes my discoveries and adventures all the more worth it. So I’m just gonna sit here in this little café, let the rain pass, and enjoy a nice glass of wine.

That costs less than a pack of mints.

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