Tuesday, January 31, 2012

WHAT. A. WEEKEND. - Part 1: Friday

We shall start at the beginning.

Friday 1:30 p.m.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and a wave of excitement surges through me. I know what the text says before I even read it. Our friends have arrived. This was mine and Devyn's first weekend acting as hosts to some of our other globe-trekking friends. The fantastically insane Lindsey Brenner, Devyn's Alpha Phi sister and roommate and my partner in crime in many mischievous acts back at GW (mainly dealing with hacking Facebook statuses). And Ariel Stein, one of my first friends at GW, who still for some reason is my friend despite witnessing my awkward freshman in college phase.

I rush back to my apartment to await their arrival, but come home to find that Devyn and Lindsey had began their Parisian adventures without me. 

Whatevs, I made a sandwich.

Soon Ariel arrives with her two friends she's studying with in London. Their fascination with the tiniest details of my apartment building was absolutely hysterical, especially their shared understanding of the phrase "so French."

"Guys, this courtyard is so French."

"Look at these stairs. So French."

"Oh my god we're so French right now."

What made this trip up to my door so funny is that I get to witness how I looked the first time I stepped into my building. You just get hit by the intricate carving of the stone courtyard walls, the smooth marble of the front steps, the tilted and warped nature of the wooden spiral staircase. 
I guess I've just gotten used to these details. Does that mean I'm becoming "so French"? Interesting.

We drop off Ariel's bags and don't even waste our time unpacking them. We're immediately walking along the Seine, the Eiffel Tower being our destination. It's the first sunny day in 2 weeks and we're not wasting any of it indoors. And good thing we didn't because this is the view from the Eiffel Tower that rewarded our 3 mile walk.

Won't be my last trip up here that's for sure.

The ladies go off to have their own adventure as I meet Devyn and Lindsey beneath the Eiffel Tower. I meet Lindsey's friend Julie, also studying abroad with her in London, and we head back to our apartment. As we make our way, a little shop filled with all kinds of sandwiches draws us in as our stomachs growl. 10 minutes later and just 4 euros poorer, a warm Chicken Parm sandwich becomes my dinner, an excellent foundation to lay for a night of...hmmm how should I say...revelry? Yeah, that's PC enough. Revelry.

Tonight is AUP's Back to School Party, for which the school has rented out an entire club for students to have a night celebrating the start of the semester. As we finish our sandwiches and get ready, a bottle of wine is opened and the night begins. Once the ladies are satisfied with how they look (after many a debate over outfits and hairstyles that makes me shake my head and laugh as I sat here watching Homeland) we left for our AUP friend's apartment to lay another kind of foundation for the night. This little pre-party can be best described in the following pictures:

Enough said.

As the boxes of Juicy Juice (100% Juice for 100% Kids!) grew empty and a euphoric state settled over the group, it came time to go the club. I cannot emphasize how insanely cool this place was. It was called The Caprice Loft and wasn't so much a club as a wonderland of a playground for a well-juicyjuiced college kid. You walk in the door and are hit by crazy-colored spinning lasers and lights. The dance floor surrounds a giant pool, candles floating gently across the water. And the casual jacuzzi in the corner.

But that was just the downstairs. Go upstairs and instead of a pool in the middle of the dance floor, there is a trampoline net filled with pillows above the pool.


They say a picture's worth a thousand words, so I'll just show you this to describe our sheer elation with this place.

Yup, pretty much sums it up.

We manage to make it home and crawl into bed after one fantastic night. However, we are dreading the 7am wake up for our Saturday trip. What trip you ask? 

Find out in WHAT. A. WEEKEND. - Part 2: Saturday.

End of Part 1.

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